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Older Article Archive
Vlado Institoris, master heater builder in Slovakia.
Photo by Tom Trout.
Sjang van Daal loads the firebox of his prototype, Denmark. Antoine Guerlain observes.
Facing is a clay and hemp parge 20 to 30 mm thick.
I gives me great pleasure to announce that Brian Klipfel and Eric Moshier have met all of
the requirements of the MHA heater mason certification program, and are now
the 23rd and 24th MHA Certified Heater Masons.Congratulations, Eric and Brian.
Norbert Senf
Masonry Heater Association of North America
Report by Alex Chernov
Thermal Mass core and soapstone tile facing
Dale's son Andre and friend Aleosha.
Note the firebrick shiner backing for the soapstone tile.
with integral wood storage and shaped heated bench and tinted mortar
by Stephen Bushway and Antoine Guerlain
Report by Pat Manley
by Marge Padgitt
Enjoying the warmth of a Double Bell heater on a chilly evening
photo credit: Alex Chernov
Heater by John Rousseau and Marcus Flynn
CBC television news
Thanks to Bujna Ferenc for the following very interesting list of heater hardware manufacturers in Hungary:"In travels in Eastern Europe's stove culture I have seen some Hungarian heater door castings. They are the most beautiful I have ever seen." - - -Tom Trout
Lars Helbro: - - - "I totally agree. If anybody has information on how to do business with them, please let me know."
Jan 11/09
Thanks to Steve Bushway for the link.
Includes oven, cooktop in oven, smoke chamber and second floor heat battery.
by Branimir Mijuca, Croatia.updated on Jan 12/09 with information on a grill retrofit
by Alexander F. Batsulin
Thanks to Marcus Flynn for the connection
by Steve Bushway
July 15, 2008
I am extremely pleased with the hard work and the huge strides that the current Board has made towards fulfilling the mandate that it was given from the MHA membership at the 2007 election:
Following the regularly scheduled quarterly MHA Board meeting, which took place by conference call
on July 13, you can find the following new Reports in the MHA Members' Lounge:
Furthermore, from reports that both Dick and I have received, there is an overwhelming consensus that the program at Wildacres 2008 was a huge success. I am pleased to report that things are already shaping up for another great program in 2009.
Mark it on your calendar!
Enjoy the summer ................ Norbert Senf
An interesting recent discussion, on a misunderstood topic, at John Gulland's Yahoo Woodheat list
takes delivery of a heater kit, Chelsea, Quebec, Dec 5/08.
Timberframe house, with 12" Hempcrete walls - a mix of chopped hemp and lime formed in place.
Exterior view.
by John Rousseau
Central European Biomass Conference
Graz, Austria, 18.1.2008(ed note: 85% efficiency, using the European definition, translates as approximately 75% efficiency, using the North American definition. The European definition allows efficiency to be higher than 100% in some appliances, such as condensing gas furnaces.)
Boreal Environment Research, Helsinki, 2009
Workshop in Kuopio, Finland, May 22 - 23, 2006
Nordic Council of Ministers
Further Operations in Auvergne
by Marcus Flynn
an interesting email from Marcus Flynn
by Marcus Flynn
Proposed finish for prefab core with heated bench, Hemmingford Quebec.
Architect: Giovanni Diodati, Fournier Gersovitz Moss Architects, Montreal
Marcus Flynn with completed core
Previous MHA Auction donation by Marcus Flynn
Marcus Flynn has translated his website into Russian, due to the large
amount of interest he has had from there.
From a discussion on the Yahoo Woodheat list
thanks to Tom Stroud for the link
by Lloyd Alter
by Marcus Flynn
Precast refractory firebox door surround
by Alex Chernov
by Lars Helbro
by Carl Oehme
Includes a 22" contraflow stacked on top.
Updated on Aug 15/08
Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Dec 8/08
The latest science suggests that preventing runaway climate change means total decarbonisation.
by George Monbiot
The Guardian/UK, Nov 25,2008
Government Affairs Newsletter
David Holmgren is co-founder of the Permaculture movement.
If you are maybe rethinking your conventional business assumptions,
check this out.
An alternate perspective on the current financial crisis.
New Forno Bravo Primavera oven manual
Forno Bravo has donated one of these ovens for the 2009 MHA Auction !
See what Johnny Z and Brian Klipfel are up to
Government and media outreach in support of home heating with wood
A project of
Two smaller batch fired boilers can be more economical than one large one, when heating load varies widely.
MSc project by Jane William, UK
by Norbert Senf
Fairbanks Daily Newsminer, Sept 25, 2008
by Marcus Flynn
One piece, ready to fire, U.L. listed
with Alex Chernov
These topics will be explored in further detail at April's feature hands-on workshop
at Wildacres with Igor Kuznetsov. It will feature a complete double bell heater build.
OMNI-Test Laboratories, Portland Oregon, October 24-25, 1991
First time online!
This historic seminar kickstarted MHA's technical efforts on emissions.
3.5 Mb PDF file, 29 pages
St. Adolphe d'Howard, Quebec. Oct 15/08
MHA President Norbert Senf gives a presentation on masonry heaters at SUNY Canton.
It drew a large crowd, and there were lots of questions and interest.
"My husband and I attended your seminar at this weekend's Sustainable Energy
Fair. We are planning to build a house next year, and found your information
about masonry stoves extrememly helpful.
Thank you for detailed presentation!..."
Marty Pearson builds a masonry cookstove, known as an estufa, in Guatemala
by Pat Manley
by Raivo Koppel, Estonia
MHA Testing Donations reach $4,645.10
Masonry Heater White PaperThank you to our most recent donors: Tom Hagelund and Mike Gilmore
Prepared for: The Masonry Heater Caucus of the Hearth, Patio and Barbeque Association
- final version. If you downloaded the earlier Feb 5 version, please replace it with this version.
- thanks to Bob Ferguson, Rod Zander, Tom Stroud, and the MHA Technical Committee for facilitating this project
- a special thanks to the generous MHA member donors who helped to fund this project
MHA Executive Director Dick Smith reports that Gene Padgitt and Glenn Overk have both received MHA Certified Heater Mason status, after meeting all of the requirements of the certification program. This brings the number of people who have passed the MHA Heater Mason Certification to 27.
Congratulations, Gene and Glenn !
photo by Bujna Ferenc
from HPBA
by Tim Mowry, Fairbanks Daily News Miner
Can a Masonry Heater be 90% Efficient?
Short answer: No. Here's why
High-Tech Old-World Technology Latest Trend in Heating
by Marge Padgitt
Contemporary Mission Style heater by Alex Chernov
by Marcus Flynn (includes 50 detail photos of a custom heater build)
Bake Oven / Fireplace Combination
by Alex Chernov
Pat Manley Builds a Bread Oven
Recent Projects by Steve Bushway
MHA member Les Pierres Steatites recently exhibited at the Montreal International Design Show.
Their soapstone heaters and other soapstone products won a Certificate of Excellence for
"Product with Ecological Design"
Connecting to an existing remote chimney
by Marcus Flynn
Kim Roberts' Kachelofen in his new house in Japan
Kim was at Wildacres in 2006. New baby Taj is on the heated bench.
Kachelofen was designed and built by Kiesling Construction Ltd.
W.E Groume-Grjimailo
complete text, 399 pages
see also:
by W.E. Groume-Grimailo, Petrograd, Russia, 1911.
This book presents the theoretical underpinnings for Igor Kuznetsov's work.
Igor was MHA's featured guest at the 2008 annual meeting at Wildacres in North Carolina
by Marcus Flynn
by new MHA member Carsten Homsted
with Lars Helbro and Frank Roedgaard
by Marcus Flynn
by Dave Misiuk, Cold Climate Housing Research Center
CNBC, July 2/08
"Heating oil now costs a whopping $3.88 per gallon. That translates into about 38,000 British thermal units of heat per dollar, versus about 100,000 BTU per dollar for firewood."
Cornell University
by Dick Smith
by Ferenc Bujna
by Marcus Flynn
New York Times, August 29/08
- Canada
- in French, with English summary, 2 pages
thanks to Quebec MHA members Tristan LeBreton and Marcus Flynn for flagging this and following up.
by Marcus Flynn
by Marcus Flynn
Using Castable Refractory Concrete in the Field
by Marcus Flynn
by Marcus Flynn
Refractory Core Construction Sequence, 2006
by Marcus Flynn
by Maggie Keiley,
as part of an MBA Marketing Course at Memorial Universtiry, mentored by Dr. Katherine Gallagher.
Conducted for MHA member Martin Palmer
Check out the article on mass heaters, forwarded by Tom Stroud
January 15, 2008
MHA January 2008 Newsletter
Kachelofen Masonry-heater School of Canada
by Barbara Kessler
a new Internet Journal for dissemination of information on energy and environmental technologies
John Fisher splitting out a sandstone arch piece,
Birmingham, Alabama. Check out his cool
new website.
Results will be presented at a seminar at Wildacres 2008
Dan Givens, Dave Misiuk and Norbert Senf during recent testing at
Cold Climate Housing Research Center
(CCHRC) in Fairbanks, Alaska.
Alaska testing photo report
"We are a group of professional energy specialists – scientists, power station and national grid operators, economists, bankers, academics, engineers etc who have been discussing energy policy and technology on and off for some for 30 years, recently grown to over 200 participants.
Journalists often contact us for an independent view of energy issues. Many members use the group to pose questions or to ask for technical expertise and there is almost always someone who has the knowledge....
Alex built this restaurant oven with some modifications to Pat Manley's design.
There is a lot of interest currently in natural thin stone facings for heaters, particularly in combination with the brick shiner system backing developed by William Davenport (see Shineology article, below).
Although the image shows a zero clearance fireplace, the facing is a beautiful example of high level craftsmanship applied to a thin veneer product, by master stone mason John McDougall. John states that the labor was not significantly less than with full dimension stone, to achieve this level of fit. However, the interesting application for heater cores is that you could prefab this facing in your shop, and then install it very quickly on a long distance job.
Kachelofen/fireplace insert with tubes for hot water heating (from a Russian book)
check out Superpanel - looks interesting.
Published on Sunday, May 25, 2008 by The Independent/UK
All new houses in Britain will have to be zero carbon - burning no fossil fuels such as oil - by 2016, the Government announced, and housebuilders are struggling to meet the target. At present the standard can be reached only at great expense, but the industry is confident of bringing the cost down as mass production kicks in. It is even more important to adapt existing homes.
The key step is to super-insulate the house to make it as energy-efficient as possible - and only then to provide renewable energy sources. Solar water heaters, ground source heat pumps and boilers powered by wood pellets are favourites...."
Orion Magazine, April 27/08
Check out MHA member Fred Schukal's new design
updated on April 2/08
Canadian Home Builders' Association, April 1993
Draft of the National Green Building Standard
National Association of Homebuilders
thanks to John Fisher for the link suggestion
by Sam Foote P. Eng. (Retired)
from the 1992 print edition of MHA News
Heating Water with a Wood Stove
John Gulland
Refractory Core Construction Notes
by Marcus Flynn
Rocket Stove report from John Fisher
Design, Construction and Performance of Stick-Wood Fired Furnace
by Professor Richard Hill, University of Maine, 1979
(The original Rocket Stove - NS)
the lintel and 2 flank stones weigh 3,000 lbs
MHA Booth at HPBA Hearth Expo, Atlanta. Feb 29, 2008
From left to right: MHA Executive Director Dick Smith, MHA members Jerry Frisch and
Albie Barden, HPBA Senior Manager, Codes and Standards, Tom Stroud.
photo credit: Norbert Senf
MHA Booth at HPA Show, 1992
Email from Marcus Flynn regarding source for non-carcinogenic ceramic fiber
by John Gulland and Wendy Milne
Fire theory for large scale fires (rooms) has applicability to wood fired ovens
- the cutout in the solid cast iron panel was made by a programmable water jet.
Connie Huffman: What's happening on the regulatory scene with masonry heaters?
U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
The Toronto Star, March 29/08
Wikipedia listing on masonry heaters
Here's a graphical listing of websites that link to
To see a list of web pages that contain links to the MHA site, use the following search term in Google:
link - - - (note the space after "link )
December 8, 2007
Report on Wildacres 2007
by John Rousseau
We raised almost $9,000.00, with a top donation of $2,671.00 by Mid-Atlantic Masonry Heat
December 7, 2007
MHA Fall 2007 Newsletter
Heater Research and Testing Workshop - Wildacres 2007
Virginia Radiant Heat Fall Tulikivi Newsletter
MHA Treasurer Doug Hargrave breaks ground for his new showroom in Virginia
Boiling Point |
by Christoph A. Roden, Tami Bond, et al.
Fairbanks, Nov 14 - 15, 2007
Content from the Conference is now online, including:
"Biomass Energy R&D at CCHRC" by Dave Misiuk
Blast From The Past 1
Tom Trout and Robin Dreyer in front of a contraflow heater that they built in 1981.
Original UPO doors with tempered glass.
Blast From The Past 2
Contraflow heater built by Norbert Senf in 1981.
Reclaimed brick with thin lime mortar joints.
Original UPO solid doors with small air inlets - the unlined 4x16
chimney on this heater is still clean after 27 years of use (Don't try
this at home, kids).
Field Testing of Double Bell Heaters
by Alex Chernov
A Design Tool for Wood Fired Storage Appliances
Zweifel et al
Building Simulation 2005 Conference, Montreal
Online University Courses Big Hit
The free online courses offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are getting
more than a million hits a month.CBC News, Dec 31/07
Content from Sustainable Northern Shelter Forum
Cold Climate Housing Research Center, Fairbanks, Alaska, October 28 - 30, 2007
36 Hours in Asheville, North Carolina
New York Times, Oct 2/07
New York Times article on Outdoor Wood Boilers
Dec 19/06
Traditional Rammed Earth Construction in France
(2Mb PDF File)
The Oil Depletion Resource Page
"For the past several years I've spent a lot of time studying the problem of petroleum supply, the question of when oil production will reach its peak and begin an inevitable decline. It's a kind of morbid hobby.
................The awareness of petroleum depletion has caused me to change my behavior. While planning for their financial future is a preoccupation of most middle-aged people, at our household we are devoting more effort to planning our energy future by reducing our demands and using renewable energy resources."
John Gulland
Emission Testing For Real People
Dr.Tami Bond
Bond Research Group: Aerosols in the Global Environment
Dep't of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dr.Tami Bond
Bond Research Group: Aerosols in the Global Environment
Dep't of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Contraflow heater by Marcus Flynn
Creating Greener Future for Urban Youth
ABC News, Feb 14/08
HPBA Announces up to $5,000.00 Matching Funds for MHA Heater Testing
September 7/07: Tim Seaton reports that he just has just returned from a strategy meeting at HPBA, and that HPBA has agreed to match MHA funds for our current testing effort to gain recognition with EPA. As of today, the total amount for our fundraising drive stands at $3,495.00.
Please visit the Fundraising Page If you have not made a donation yet, please consider doing so. If you make your living from building masonry heaters, you will benefit directly from this effort.
with Tom Trout
MHA Financial Records, Board and Committee Reports are Now Online
Available to Voting Members in the Members' Lounge
Find out what your association has been doing
Dale Demary sent this one in.
Scientist Brings Odd Bedfellows Together to Save The Earth
San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 24/07
New System of Fuel Combustion and Prospects for its Application
by Igor Kuznetsov
Sydney Morning Herald/Australia
Heikki Hyytiainen's Air Injection Research
Jack Arch Construction Sequence
by Marcus Flynn
Small Contraflow Heater built from plans in MHA Plans Portfolio
Thanks to longtime MHA member Bill Derrick for forwarding this story from a friend.
Swedish bake oven builder John Fisher, checking out an Alex Chernov
double bell heater project north of Toronto,
BERC - Biomass Energy Resource Center
Arctic Thaw May be at "Tipping Point"
Reuters, Sept 28/07
More Industries are Seeking Regulation by the Feds
New York Times, Sep 16/07
The Boston Globe, Nov 16/07
MHA President Norbert Senf gives a presentation on MHA and masonry heaters at the State University.
Feedback from organizer Patricia Greene was:
"What a crowd you had!! lots of interest, feedback was they wanted to know more about how the stoves work."
Afterwards, local MHA member Tom Hagelund bought lunch at a great little Jamaican place.
by William Davenport
by Marcus Flynn
A Guilty Liberal Finally Snaps, Swears Off Plastic, Goes Organic, Becomes a Bicycle Nut, Turns Off His Power, While Living In New York City.
The Guardian/UK
The Independent/UK
Photo from Catherine the Great's palace in Pushkin, Russia.
Traditionally they were made with delft tile exteriors.
Stan Sackett and Doug Hren
toured Russia recently and saw many
of these types of fireplaces in palaces.
Click image for larger version.
Hikary Fukazawa, a participant
at the 2003 French bake oven workshop, returned
to Japan and built his own oven.
Hikari writes:
Here is the picture of my bake oven.
Our bakery is going so well.
Last Saturday we sold out 30 pizza at the Saturday evening market.
Of course I baked by wood fire.
Every day my wife Shuko is baking 10kg wheat flour and selling out in
a short time.
We will increase products little by little.
But we will keep making hand made bread.
A must-read tour of the basics of science
HEDON Household Energy Network
by Paul Hawken
by John Gulland
BBC News, July 24/07
by George Monbiot
Loire Atlantique #2 : Field Notes 2006
Loire Atlantique #3 : Field Notes 2006
Saine et Marne : Field Notes 2006
Chimney Connection #3
Another reason to join HPBA
Cold Climate Housing Research Center (CCHRC) Conference
Fairbanks, Alaska Oct 28 - 30
An internet chat with heater builder and bakeoven builder John Fisher,
who now makes his home in Sweden
The Independent/UK
San Francisco Chronicle
Architectural Record
Masonry Heater Codes and Standards from Around the World are now Online
Heater masons hold an important piece of this puzzle.
Here is a great resource to educate yourself on the issue.
by Gwyn Dyer
CO (carbon monoxide) concentrations. This is an indicator of air pollution.
(source: Spiegel magazine (Germany), Jan/07)
CO and CO2 are often confused in media reporting on climate change.
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and not toxic. CO is a poison.
You get CO2 from combustion. You get CO from bad combustion.
To MHA Members & Friends,
It is with sadness that I inform you that I have just been advised by Kathleen Sotero (Ben Sotero's wife) |
by Pat Manley
Custom see-through heater with white bake oven and heated benches by Steve Bushway
and apprentice Antoine Gurlain.
Feb 8/07
MHA regulars Jerry Frisch, Rod
Zander, John Fisher and Gary Hart and Japanese hosts during 2005
heater building trip to Japan
by Igor Kuznetsov
Carbon comparison - source: Independent / UK
The average British citizen produces 26kg of CO2 in a day. This breaks down as follows:
* 7.4 electricity
* 1.6 fuel production
* 3.8 manufacturing and construction
* 7.4 transport, of which: (5.2 road transport, 1.7 air travel, 0.1 railways and 0.4 shipping)
* 1.0 office buildings
* 3.8 residential heating
* 1.0 Other industrial processes, agriculture, military travel, other
The average Kenyan citizen produces 0.7kg of CO2 in a day. This breaks down as follows:
* 0.08 electricity
* 0.08 fuel production
* 0.16 manufacturing and construction
* 0.31 transport
* 0.07 other
(The average American or Canadian produces about twice what the average Brit does - ed.)
How do you tell your kids about climate change when they've heard so much about it elsewhere?
Los Angeles Times, Dec 23/06
Each cube on the map above shows how many million tons of CO2 each country puts into the atmosphere per year.
The bottom graph shows the atmosphere's CO2 concentration (part per million) over time.
It is currently at its highest point in 600,000 years.
Half of all emissions in history have happened since 1980, and are accelerating.
Source: "Der Spiegel" magazine (Germany), Nov 6/06
Al Gore
Providence, RI. Nov 17-18-19, 2006
by Wendy Milne
2006 Heater Testing at Shawville
by John Vidal
MHA member John Rousseau and his wife Darla Thompson are travelling in India this winter. Read their blog.
MHA members John Fisher and Rod Zander are currently in Austria, visiting the Austrian Kachelofen Guild. Check back soon for a report.
MHA member Pat Manley is in Guatemala this winter building a bake oven at a school for dump children in Guatemala City. Later, he will continue to build cookstoves (estufas) for Mayan families around Lake Atitlan. Read Pat's report (below).
by Marcus Flynn
Johnny Z as we know him has been an MHA Member since 1998 and has been a regular attendee at our annual meeting at Wildacres contributing to the shared knowledge of the heater masons and to the humor as well.
John has presented a most impressive portfolio of his work, but wants credit to be given for the very detailed sketches to Brian Klipfel (MHA member who works with him). He also credits his wife for the presentation - but as he points out - "I did the design & work!"
by Igor Kuznetsov
Published by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Environment, in co-operation with IBO - Austrian Institute for Healthy and Ecological Building
(3.2 Mb PDF file)
Alex Chernov of Stovemaster in Alton, Ontario, Canada has recently qualified to become the twenty
second heater mason to be certified in North America through the Masonry
Heater Association.
Alex has been an MHA Member since 2004 and attended the annual meeting
at Wildacres 2005 contributing to the shared knowledge of the heater masons.
Tom Trout and Heikki Hyytiaiinen
led a heater workshop at
Week for Eco-Heating", in Slovakia
Aug 11 -17 /05.
Mold for casting a combustion
air system developed by Heikki.
The finished pieces.
Jeff Kuczmanski of Log Building Co., Inc. in Rhinelander, WI has recently qualified to become the twenty first heater mason to be certified in North America through the Masonry Heater Association.
Jeff has been an MHA Member since 2003 and has attended the annual meeting at Wildacres the last two years. Jeff built his first masonry heater in 1986.
by Igor Kuznetsov
with Jerry Frisch
Joe Prinzivalli of Prinzivalli Masonry in Lamy, NM has recently qualified to become the twentieth heater mason to be certified in North America through the Masonry Heater Association. Joe has worked with John Fisher, Albie Barden, Rod Zander and Temp-Cast. Attendees at Wildacres 05 had the pleasure of meeting Joe.
David Thomen of Thomen's Masonry in Livingston, TN has recently qualified to become the nineteenth heater mason to be certified in North America through the Masonry Heater Association.
Most of us know David as "Worm". Worm has been an MHA active member since 1999 and has been a regular attendee of our annual meetings/workshops at Wildacres.
(he's the guy on the left in the photo below. Joe Prinzivalli is on the right)
Download free of charge from the U.S. Dep't of Energy
by Marcus Flynn
by Bob
"I managed to get through the Winter of 2000-2001 with my wood boiler, but was not at all happy with the smoke and the 22% net delivered efficiency."
by Pat Manley
Edith Kiesling has just recently completed all certification requirements to become a Certified Heater Mason by the Masonry Heater Association of North America.
Congratulations Edith!
by Bev Marois
by Pat Manley
Yesterday, July 31th, Certified M.H.A. Heater Masons almost
completed artistic 3 heaters and had drunk off almost of all Beer
in the village. .... continued
This 1989 low energy demonstration project near Toronto, has a contraflow fireplace. (60 Kb pdf file)
by Igor Kuznetsov
"Double Bell" stove built
recently in Vermont by Alex Chernov.
Details on this system of heater design and construction can be found at
MHA member Carl Oehme recently rebuilt one of these, and also discusses the history of what may be the first masonry stoves in Canada
(1.2 Mb PDF file)
by Igor Kuznetsov
"The transition from high valued energy sources to low valued energy sources requires appropriate heating and cooling systems in buildings. Heating and cooling systems that provide heating or cooling energy at a temperature close to room temperature (i.e., low exergy systems) are a prerequisite for the efficient utilisation of low valued energy sources."
Downloadable Guidebook
August Vanderdonckt writes:
The map allows brick oven fans to find out if they are close to somebody who already has one.
It enables people to upload pictures, communicate with each other directly and locate ovens geographically.
Custom Soapstone carving by John Hanna,
Barre, Vermont
Tulikivi heater by Wood Masonry, VT..
Whole Earth "Fire"
Issue (Winter 99)
complete text of the articles.
"a must read" - ed.
Eugene (Gene) Hedin, 79 of Duluth, MN, passed away on May
18th after a long illness due to kidney failure.
Gene was a long time member of the Masonry Heater Association
and friend to all. He apprenticed to the Duluth Brickayers Union 3.
A member of the First Luthern Church of Duluth, he was the onsite
construction manager and (with Rev. A.E. Hanson), laid the first
brick of the new sanctuary. He worked for Older Construction
Company in Duluth before starting his own construction company
(Eugene Hedin Masonry Construction) in Two Harbors.
On our MHA Website homepage is featured the masonry
that Gene built in their Duluth home. Gene loved to travel. He
and Letty traveled throughout the U.S. to visit family and build
fireplaces and masonry heaters for friends.
He is survived by his wife, Letitia (Letty) Older, their four
children, Ann (Mrs. A. James Lee) in Lowell, Mass.,
Susan (Mrs. Jay Gilleland), in Anchorage, Alaska,
David (married to Kathy Gorz) in Woodbury, Minn., and
Elizabeth (Mrs. Randy Gleason) in Park Rapids, Minn.
Gene also leaves 10 grandchildren.
As a memorial to Gene, MHA has made a donation
to the First Lutheran Church of Duluth in his name.
I have attached my favorite photo of Gene taken
at the annual meeting at Wildacres in 1999.
(Bev Marois)
by Igor Kuznetsov
(50 Kb Word file)
by John Gulland
by John Gulland
Structural and Sculptural Forms in Lightweight Concrete
Check this one out!
Interesting photo series, including a prefabricated tile facing
(descriptions in French)Another workshop - using a Dutch Fin-Oven kit, with a clay plaster finish
by Jay Hensley
Technical journal on refractories - download the current issue for free
Downloadable technical article
Pat Manley recently built a kitchen bake oven for Billy Joel
at his house on Long Island.
Generating electricity directly from hot water
by Igor Kuznetsov
( 130 Kb Word file)
30 pages, 2Mb Word .doc file
History of the Great Russian Bath
Design of Masonry Heaters for Russian Banias
by Igor V. Kuznetsov
Basics for the Design of Wood Burning Masonry Boilers
by Igor Kuznetsov
Pat Manley built this oven for Matchbox
Vintage Brick Oven Pizza
in DC
Photo report by Norbert Senf
Can you help these American servicemen with rebuilding a bakery in Iraq
Two Projects in France, Summer 2003
by Marcus Flynn
by Edward Mazria
Guatemala: above is MHA member Tom Hagelund with Mayan mason Don Juan.
Pat Manley reports a successful 2004
Masons on a Mission stovebuilding trip to Guatemala. (March 7/04)
Infrared Imaging of the Heat Distribution Pattern in "Double Bell" Stoves
By I. V. Kuznetsov
(179 Kb Word document)
Workshop on "The Principle of Free Gas Movement" with Igor Kuznetsov
Ekaterinburg, Russia, January 2004
Trip notes by Alex Chernov
(1.3 Mb Word document)
Construction of a French Bongard Oven
by Norbert Senf
Details on the upcoming annual meeting in North Carolina, plus much more.
(300 Kb PDF file.
Photo Reports:
2003 MHA Annual Meeting
Swedish Heater Workshop with Jerry Frisch
Field Trip to Tom Trout's Showroom
French Bake Oven Workshop with Norbert Senf
Hikari Fukazawa's Presentation on Forestry in Japan
by Igor Kuznetsov
(30 Kb Word file)
Insulative Ceramics for Improved Cooking Stoves
by Dean Still, Dr. Margaret Pinnell, Damon Ogle, Brad van Appel -- Aprovecho Research Center
by Igor V. Kuznetsov
(170 Kb PDF file)
by David Eisenberg,
Development Center for Appropriate Technology
by Igor V. Kuznetsov
San Francisco Baking Institute #180 teaching oven
Oct 29/03: Timber Framers' Guild
Eastern Conference
at Chateau Montebello,
the largest log structure in Quebec.
400 participants.
Your editor presented a 90 minute
session on masonry heaters that had good attendance
and was well received.
MHA Member Bill Derrick is also a TFG member and was very instrumental in
setting up the cross linkage between these two complementary disciplines.
36 x 24 Contraflow heater workshop
Le Panyol oven workshop
Superior Clay oven workshop
Small custom heater workshop
Safety testing workshop
by Norbert Senf
Note: this was a seminar at the 2002 MHA meeting at Wildacres
(20 Kb PDF file)
by Pat Manley (Dec 03)
by Pat Manley (Feb 17/03)
Jerry Frisch and Frisch wannabe's
Norbert Senf and Gary Hart
photo credit: John Rousseau
Doug Fry setting an
estufa plancha (cooking plate)
El Rincon, Guatemala. Masons on a Mission, 2001
on a Mission - Guatemala Video Available
Marty Pearson in El Rincon,
Masons on a Mission, February 2000
(those cool MHA T-shirts are available at the Bookstore)
Masons on a Mission 2001 update
Report by Pat Manley, April 4/01
Cookstove building instruction
from Bon Appetit
New York State Adopts International Residential Code
As of July 2002, masonry heaters will be recognized by the Building Code in New York state. (160 Kb PDF file)
Jerry Frisch gives you the lowdown on latest events
(450 Kb PDF file)
ASTM update, membership info, and more.
(1.2 Mb PDF file)
Draft Thermal Performance Standard for Masonry Heaters and Fireplaces
by Paul Tiegs, OMNITEST Labs
(900 Kb PDF file)Contact E-6.54.07(Masonry Heaters) Committee Chair Rod Zander
by I.V. Kuznetsov
(630 Kb PDF file)
See also: Russian masonry heater website
John Zamkotowicz and John Fisher demonstrate
the latest in heater mason's fashions. In the background are Tom Trout (mixing
mud), Jerry Frish and Scott Helms.
2003 MHA Meeting at Wildacres
by Igor V. Kuznetsov
(100 Kb Word file)
by Igor V. Kuznetsov
(455 Kb PDF file)
Masonry heater article from Nov/Dec 2002 issue of Natural Home Magazine
Report by John Rousseau
(330 Kb PDF file)
Canadian Emissions Regulations
Stakeholder Consultation Workshop - Record of Stakeholder Comments
37 pages, 180Kb Word document
A successful cookstove design for third world use
John Gulland's Weird Woodstove
Check it out
Stove Heating of Multistorey Temples in Yekaterinburg, Russia
by I.V. Kuznetsov
(400 Kb PDF file)
Building an Improved Russian Bath
by I. Kuznetsov
Masonry Heater Clearances
to Combustibles
- Recent Research at Lopez Labs (Aug 20/01)
download in Word 97 format (100 Kb, better graphics)
download in PDF format (120 Kb)
CSIA's new Technology Center has a Masonry Heater
Efficient Cook Stove Designs From China
62 page document shows various efficient cookstove designs that have been developed in China. About 130 million of these stoves have been built since 1982.
(1 Mb PDF file)
MHA-NET Traffic Report, October 2001
European Analysis Shows Huge Value from Renewables
The cost of generating electricity from coal is up to 120 times more expensive than wind, according to a major analysis conducted for the European Commission.
Article by Jay Hensley reports on the 2000 meeting, plus a bit of North American heater history
Field Safety Test Reports Online
On-site field test safety reports for a Tempcast and a Heat-Kit heater are available in the Members Lounge
MHA-Net Traffic Continues to Grow
Energy Use Patterns in Off Grid Houses
24 page study by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). (1 Mb PDF file)
Website for environmentally sound biomass stove
ASTM Masonry
Heater Workshop,
Dallas, October 21 - Details
Messages to MHA from around the world
Junk Mail into Briquettes:
Southern Oregon University and the National Forensics Laboratories have tested sample briquettes made from junk mail (under standardized laboratory conditions and x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy) and found them to be no more polluting than US Government certified wood pellets. Encouraged by these results Legacy Foundation technical staff are working on the design and construction of a machine for the US household market which will turn junk mail into burnable briquettes.
How to Control Dust During Construction
ASTM Workshop on Masonry Heater and Masonry Fireplace Research and Development
by I.V. Kuznetsov
New Russian paper examines the context for wood heating and where masonry heaters fit in.
176 Kb PDF file
Traditional Polish heating system
Review of Wood Heater and Fireplace Emission Factors (100 Kb PDF File)
by James Houck, John Crouch and Roy H. Huntley
The Green Stove Mason: Run Your Truck on Biodiesel
Viridian Note: Used cooking oil from fast food chains is clogging the nation's sewers.
Custom Soapstone Heater and Fayol Bake Oven
Plans: page 1, page 2, page 3
It seemed like a good idea until it was tested
See also:
Seminar on Outside Combustion Air -
Science, Myths, and Current Codeswith John Gulland
Home Owner's Safety Manual and Burning Guide for Masonry Heaters - 3 pages
Home Owner's Safety Manual and Burning Guide for Cook Stoves and Bake Ovens - 6 pagesAvailable free of charge to MHA members in The Members' Lounge
Available to the general public at The MHA Bookstore
Lime Kiln Report updated May 30/01
Students in the first year Heritage Masonry progam at Algonquin College in Perth, Ontario recently built a lime kiln as a class project.
Russian Paper on Stove Design
Fundamentals of Stove Construction
by I.V. Kuznetsov
(10 pages, 96 Kb PFD file)
by Norbert Senf
Technical paper on the fundamentals of cookstove design
Repairing a dropping vault in a 6' x 9' commercial oven
Running Notes on 2000 MHA Meeting at Wildacres Retreat, North Carolina
Masonry Heater Workshop with Albie Barden
Conway, NH, Oct 1 - 7, 2000
report by Gary Hart
(Request for Comments): The Effects of Wood Smoke on our Health:Review of the Problem and Exploration of Remediations
by Dr. Elmer Grossman, member of the city's environment commission.
Available in the Members' Lounge
A test heater was built with 3 firebox wall sections: 8" soapstone, 8" brick, and 4.5" brick. The heater was fired with 4 back to back loads of 50 lbs hardwood and surface temperatures were recorded.
Clearance to Combustibles Testing at Lopez Labs
A report from the front lines
Instant Karma for San Jose?See also:
letter from MHA to San Jose city attorney (unanswered)
MHA Position Paper
Compares EPA and Northern Sonoma fueling protocols
Northern Sonoma Fueling Protocol (1 Mb PDF file)
Comments by Jim Buckley
Updated April 6/00
corrected version, Mar 11/00
(90 KB Acrobat PDF file) Freely reuseable with copyright credit to SNEWS.
![]() Jerry Frisch on the back cover of Jan/00 SNEWS magazineICC Code Meeting in Birmingham
An Alternative Future for Building Regulation
Strawbale Construction: A Building Official's Perspective
MHA's New Board of Advisors updated March 26/00Jay Hensley's Full Report on the 1999 MHA Meeting
The Dynamics of Domestic Open Fires
Current Fireplace Tests at OMNI
Jerry Frisch Builds a Swedish Heater New Wood Heat Organization Announced
ICBO Recognizes Alternative Construction
Download the SNEWS "Back Page Freebie" on Masonry Heaters
Building Departments Are Preparing to Adopt the International Building Code (IBC)MHA Position Paper
Frank Sotero is the Newest Certified Heater Mason
The Bread Builders
San Jose, CA to Ban non-EPA Wood Heat
The New Turbo Wood Gas Stove
"Dream Stove" for Asia
Masonry Heaters to be Included in Building Code!
Residential Wood Combustion Technology Review
Chimney Component Suppliers and Manufacturers
John Gulland's Trip to Honduras
House Depressurization Workshop
Stoves Mailing List
Life Cycle Analysis of a Residential Home in Michigan
The CMU Air-Core Passive Hybrid Heat Storage System
North America's First Certified Heater MasonNicaraguan Clay Bake Ovens
Dome Shaped Oven Details
Woodburning, forestry and global warming
Chimney Draft, Negative Pressure, and Carbon Monoxide
Biomass Cooking Stoves
Colorado Regulation
Emissions of Rural Cooking Devices
Travelling to visit Belarusian masons
This page last updated on May 19, 2014
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