E-zine for Heater Masons --24 years
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Heater News
May 13, 2021
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Content of this e-zine is at
the discretion of the Editor,
and does not imply
endorsement by the MHA Board of Directors

Rather than giving the reason why David got this award, I think that fellow members can state it best.To read their comments, just open the link on their name:

Classic book on the buoyancy of combustion gases that led to the double bell
masonry heater design by I.S. Podgorodnikov


Heatkit with oven, heated bench, hot water, and wood waiter -- New Hampshire

with Lars Helbro. Wildacres 2012.

with Jon Santiago and Chris Springer

by Ian Cave MSc, PhD.
Sustainable Energy Forum, New Zealand, May 2016

Schlieren photography showing air currents, including convection from body heat.
Note that masks with exhaust valves can project exhalations up to 30 feet.

Compound cut jig for dome oven construction by Chris Springer

"The idea for this stove came in 1999, and a team from The Austrian Tile Stove Association helped to make this stove close to perfection." ... Austrian stove master Richard Jussel.
Richard and Thomas Schiffert visited Wildacres in 2007.This is the online premiere of the 3 hour video showing the complete build in a barn in Austria, prior to a workshop
presentation in Niger, Africa.
The language is German, but the visual presentation is complete.The page for this workshop is linked on the newly updated MHA Projects Page

Wildacres Happy Hour in the time of Corona Virus
Thanks to Jon Santiago for organizing. Check the MHA forum for future sessions.
photo credit: Stefan Polatschek

In Memoriam: Tom Stroud, Past President of MHA
Wildacres, 2008:Tom Stroud, Senior Manager of Codes and Standards at HPBA (Hearth Patio and Barbeque Association), gave us a well received presentation on Codes, Standards and the current regulatory climate. Tom is a former President of MHA, and also chaired the original ASTM Task Group that produced ASTM E-1602.

Check out the Powerpoints from the NESCAUM Residential Wood Smoke Workshop at 2020 HPBA Expo.TLDR: For the salient points relative to masonry heaters, check out this excerpt from John Ackerly's presentation.

Updated April 4, 2020

March16, 2020

Contraflow heater with heated bench retrofit into existing 8x8 chimney
Masonry Stove Builders

Masonry Stove Builders

by Chris Prior

Engineered HeatKit install onto a wooden floor.
Aarons Alternative Energy, Missouri

by Jason Prapas (PhD thesis, 2013)

HeatKit with facing by Owner
Custom coil system for hydronic floor heating, New Brunswick.

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