From: <william.gritsavage>
To: mheat
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 18:03:55 +0300
Subject: Bread ovens in Iraq
I am trying to find information on some large scale bread ovens (most likely
East German). I am an officer in the US Army stationed in Iraq. I have found
several industrial ovens. They look like German design. I am hoping to refurbish
them to feed Iraqis. One of them was manufactured in Berlin. I think the
name of the ovens are "Liber" and "Cardici". I can send
photos of this bakery and the equipment. If you have any information or
know of anyone that can help please respond ASAP. Your help will be much
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I don't have any information on the ovens that you mention, but would
be more than happy to provide any help that I can. Photos of the oven
and equipment would be very useful. My sister-in-law has a bakery in
France, and knows a lot about baking. I have experience with design
and construction of wood fired brick ovens.
Best .... Norbert Senf
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Tadji Bakery 004

Tadji Bakery 002

Tadji Bakery 003

Tadji Bakery 005
From: <william.gritsavage>
To: Norbert Senf <mheat>
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2004 15:41:49 +0300
Thanks. Here are some of the photos of the bakery. One of the ovens is
huge. I have no idea who the manufacture is. I only know that is is from
Berlin. I have been told that this bakery has potential to feed thousands.
Thanks for all of your help as I am an engineer officer and know nothing
about baking bread. Please feel free to pass this email on to anyone that
might help.
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Hello William:
I'll put a page with your info together on the Masonry Heater Association
website when I get a chance, and put out a request for assistance to
our membership, in case anyone can provide further information.
One of your photos, "TADJI Bakery 004.jpg", shows a multi
deck oven that looks very similar to the ones that are common in modern
bread bakeries today. My sister-in-law had a new one installed recently
at her bakery in southern France. I asked her to take photos of the
construction process, and I've put up a web page on it at:
There are some technical specs on the oil burner hookup at the bottom
of the page in French. If they look to be of any use, I can translate
them. Also, my sister in law has the manuals for the oven (in French),
and I might be able to get her to send them to me.
One of your photos (003) shows what look to be two boilers. The rear
one shows a stovepipe hooked up and going outside. Do you know what
fuel they are fired with? I'd assume that they would have steam lines
coming off. Are these going to one of the ovens, or used for something
Photo 002 shows 2 single deck ovens side by side, with oven loaders.
Judging from the photo, it looks like they may still be close to functional.
If you get the ovens functioning, you'll then need a means to convert
flour into products that you can put in the ovens and bake. The major
piece of equipment you'll need will be a dough mixer. Also, it would
be useful to know what kind of baked goods are eaten locally -- regular
bread? flat bread?
There is a very useful book, "Baking for Profit", that is
published by Intermediate Technology Development Group in England. It
is a guide for setting up a bakery in a third world setting. It is available
from Amazon at:
I'd be happy to send you my copy, if that would be easier.
Best ..... Norbert Senf
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