Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 21:27:42 +0200
From: "Marcus Flynn" <pyromasse(at)>
To: mheat(at)
Subject: Fwd: RE : Foyers de masse
Hello Norbert, If poss when posting this mail, please have the attached Quebec Ministry of the Environment logo appear..I canot do that here from my gmail interface ?? Andre has given permission for it to be posted in full or in part.
Good News From Quebec.
Below is an official respose from The Quebec Ministery of Sustainable Environment and Parks to the question posed by Andre Fauteux Journalist and editor of Le Maison du 21em Siecle.
Marcus Flynn.
My Translation:
Question; ( from A. Fauteux)
Please could you confirm that both prefabricated and hand built masonry heaters are not touched by the ban on non EPA or CSA certified RWAs. And that it is recognised that masonry heaters are as clean burning as certified apliances. ( for the beginning of the week please )
Response; ( form C. Sasseville)
Effectively masonry heaters are not effected by the program of regulating wood burning appliances.
On 08-04-28, at 14:09, <christian.sasseville(at)> wrote:

Effectivement, les foyers de masse ne sont pas visés par le projet de règlement sur le chauffage au bois.
- Rebonjour M. Sasseville:
- Pouvez-vous svp me confirmer que les foyers de masse
- préfabriqués et de construction artisanale ne seront pas
- touchés par l'interdiction des appareils de chauffage au
- bois non homologués par l'EPA ou la CSA?
- Bref confirmer que les foyers de masse sont aussi propres
- sinon davantage que les appareils homologués?
- Pour le début de la semaine serait parfait.
- Merci bien,
- Andre Fauteux
Le Maison du 21em Siecle