2013 MHA Annual Meeting
Wildacres, North Carolina --- April 15 - 21, 2013
Photo report by Norbert Senf.
Photo credits: various. Please credit MHA if you reuse these photos

Group Photo
List of attendees

Steve Bushway conducts the last annual business meeting in his term as president.
At the end, results were announced from the mail-in election and the new Board was introduced.

New MHA President Dan Givens addresses the membership.

Dan and Executive Director Dick Smith got down to business right away.
The rest of the new Board are:
Vice President: Marty Pearson
Secretary: Ron Pihl
Treasurer: Doug Hargrave
Members at Large: Eric Moshier, Jim Frisch and Chris Prior

Rod Tinnemore is Wood Stove Co-Ordinator at Washington State Department of Ecology.
He gave the MHA attendees a straight-up overview of NSPS and the current regulatory situation.
Masonry heaters WILL be regulated by EPA in the near future.

Meister to Master

Materials had been delivered from our storage yard to our workshop area at Wildacres.
Weather was changeable.

The next morning was sunny. Looking over the workshop area from above.

Grundofen Workshop using the Austrian air gap (twin shell) system.
Go to workshop.

Special thank you to Ortner for donating over $2000 of materials to the Grundofen project.
In addition, Ortner made a generous auction donation.
Special thank you also to Alex Chernov of Stovemaster, who paid to ship the material from his shop in Caledon, ON to Wildacres, as
well as donating the shamotteplatten (ceramic plates).

48'" Adobe oven by Pat Manley and Marty Pearson

Annual Pizza Party.

Aki and Aussie putting shrimps on the barbie.
Aki Yoshimizu is a house builder from Tokyo, Japan. See his subsequent heater project in Japan.
Fiona Kotvojs is an international development coordinator from Australia, who came with her husband, Alan Burdon
A record 10 countries were represented at Wildacres this year.

North American single skin heater

Combustion Testing

Fluke Thermal Imaging

Jon Santiago at late night experiment. He is from Argentina.
View the rest of Jessica Steinhauser's Facebook album.

Alex Chernov, Paul Polatschek and Stefan Polatschek.
Alex arranged for the Austrian team to visit Wildacres and demonstrate the Austrian air gap free-form Kachelofen
construction system. Paul is a master stove fitter. Paul and Stefan led the Austrian team. It resulted in an extremely valuable
exchange of stovebuilding cultures from several continents.

Jerry Frisch and Luis Wegscheider. Luis is the head design consultant for Ortner. He is 28 years old.

Stefan Polatschek and Norbert Senf.
Stefan stayed for an extra week. I met up with him and Alex at Niagara Falls, and later at Jessica Steinhauser's studio.
We then drove to Montreal to spend 2 days with Marcus Flynn.
Photo report.

First things first.
Beer run.

Zoltan Nagy came from Hungary. He sold his software company, and is now a certified stove mason there.

Tom Trout, photographed by Jessica Steinhauser. (Or maybe, it's Neil Young)

Chris Prior built a masonry cooled smoker.
Preparing some dessert: Smoked bacon cups filled with peanut butter and will be topped with bourbon infused smoked chocolate.

Good Times.

Design award winners. Check MHA website soon for details.

MHA has two new Certified Heater Masons, Matt Helicke and Dan French.
See also,
2012 Photo Report
2011 Photo Report
2010 Photo Report
2009 Photo Report
2008 Photo Report
2007 Photo Report
2006 Photo Report
2004 Photo Report
2003 Photo Report
2002 Photo Report
2001 Photo Report
2000 Photo Report
1999 Photo Report
1998 Photo Report
1997 Photo Report
This page was last updated on October 29, 2013
This page was created on April 26, 2013
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