Masonry Heaters
by Marcus Flynn
by Gary Hart
by Alex Chernov
by Marcus Flynn
by William Davenport and Antoine Guerlain
Cold Climate Housing Research Center

 Comparative testing of Double-Bell heat-exchange system and Ortner KMS channel-style heat-exchange system at Ortner GmbH, Austria, 2014
Lopez Labs Co-Operative
by Crispin Pemberton-Pigott
very informative website
OMNI-Test Laboratories, Portland Oregon, October 24-25, 1991 The grand-daddy that started it all Still amazingly relevant to understanding what is currently going on.
Can a Masonry Heater be 90% Efficient?
Short answer: No
Here's why
reprinted from MHA News, 1993
with Norbert Senf, Alex Chernov, and Tony Biundo
Stockton G. Barnett
Omni Environmental Services
(Draft) April 15, 1992
by Norbert Senf
by Alex Chernov
Tips and tricks from William Davenport on the shiner facing method
he has developed
by Norbert Senf
A lively round table discussion
by Marcus Flynn
by Marcus Flynn
by William Davenport
by Norbert Senf
by Marcus Flynn
Toronto, December 2008
by Alex Chernov
Hot Water
with Alex Chernov
Basics for the Design of Wood Burning Masonry Boilers
by Igor Kuznetsov
by William Davenport
by Norbert Senf
by Doug Hren
by Marcus Flynn
by Norbert Senf
with Norbert Senf, Marcus Flynn, Dave Misiuk, William Davenport, Dan Pike, Alex Chernov
Marcus Flynn
Marcus Flynn
a discussion from the Yahoo MHAmembers list
by Marcus Flynn
by Marcus Flynn
an interesting report from Marcus Flynn
by Marcus Flynn
by Marcus Flynn
by Norbert Senf
by Norbert Senf
by Rick Curkeet, Chief Engineer, Intertek Masonry heater combustion technical information
Crispin Pemberton-Pigott
John Gulland
by Norbert Senf
Steve Bushway
Paul Tiegs, OMNI Environmental Services
Jim Houck, Paul Tiegs, et al
W.E Groume-Grjimailo
complete text, 399 pages
Powerpoint presentation
by Professor Richard Hill, University of Maine, 1979
(The original Rocket Stove - NS)
with Alex Chernov
Canadian Home Builders' Association, April 1993
A Design Tool for Wood Fired Storage Appliances
Zweifel et al
Building Simulation 2005 Conference, Montreal Defining Masonry Heaters - A Discussion Paper
Norbert Senf, 1997
by Prof. P.O. Rosin, 1939 Duct Flow Resistance Coefficients