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Just Released...
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The Masonry Heater Association has designed, built and tested three masonry heater plans which are now available for purchase.

The portfolio includes three sets of detailed plans for the:
    Finnish Contraflow (Small room heater 24' x 36')
    Kakelugn (Swedish Heater)
    Blacksburg Grundofen (Modified)
    (Materials list for each)

Detail Option Drawings including:
    Damper Options
    Clean Out Options
    Outside Air Options
    Options to Finish the Top (above capping slab)

Six line drawings
     Vertical Channel Masonry Heater (Russian)
     Horizontal Channel Masonry Heater (Russian)
     Combination Channel Masonry Heater (German)
     Contraflow Masonry Heater (Finnish)
     Five Channel Masonry Heater (Swedish)

One Generic Heater Building Sequence Step-By-Step
Copy ATR Engineering Masonry Heater Stabilization Report
Copy of Swedish Emissions Report
MHA Homeowner's Safety Manual & Burning Guide

Order Information

Books by MHA Members
The Masonry Heater Association offers books by several fine authors including these:

The Book of Masonry Stoves:
Rediscovering an Old Way of Warming
by David Lyle

The classic work by the late David Lyle.  David was a charter MHA Member and one of the best-informed people in the US in the wood heat field. He considered himself a Masonry Heater Researcher and considered his territory as Global. Superb historical treatment of the development of masonry heating.

The Book of Masonry Stoves represents the first comprehensive survey ever published of all the major types of masonry heating sytems, ancient and modern.  Detailed plans and building information are include in the book.  As a complete introduction to masonry stoves, it will help many people rediscover the economic and personal pleasures of heating with wood - an old way of warming - using masonry stoves.   192 pages. $28.00

Order Information

Finnish Fireplaces:
Heart of the Home
by Albie Barden and Heikki Hyytiäinen

MHA founding member Albie Barden is known as the Johnny Appleseed of masonry heating in North America. Heikki Hyytiäinen is Finland's foremost masonry heating expert.

Full of color photos of a wide variety of Finnish Fireplaces, this book is an indepth study of Finnish Fireplace history, design performance, layout, health benefits and aesthetic options.  It is a must for owner builders and anyone trying to properly incorporate a masonry heater or masonry heater complex into a new home. 103 pages softcover. $32.00  Order Information

The New Woodburner's Handbook:
A Guide to Safe, Healthy, and Efficient Woodburning
by Steve Bushway

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MHA member Steve Bushway has written an excellent manual on the current state of the art in wood heating, including new technology such as masonry heaters and EPA-certified woodstoves.
160 pages softcover. $14.00

Order Information

The Bread Builders
by Daniel Wing and Alan Scott

Definitive work on hearth breads, including the most complete description of building a bread oven available in print. Mandatory reading for bread fans. Extensively reasearched.
Your webmaster rates it a 10.
254 pages softcover.

Order Information


Masonry Chimney Rebuilding
by Jerry Frisch

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his is a constructive guide for the proper approach for performing masonry chimney repairs, chimney replacements and other work.   It will help you analyze a project and determine the best way to handle it. It is not intended as the final word in masonry work, or the only way to approach a project.   Instead, it will provide guidance to a quality product.  47 page bound copy. $15.00

Order Information

Build Your Own

  by Kiko Denzer

Eight simple steps to a basic mud oven.  A clear   and concise manual on building an earth friendly   oven that will bake your bread and pizza. 
Covers all the details and also introduces you
to building with earth... all you need to know
about the materials and processes.
Paperback, 7 x 10, 132 pages  $14.00                    Order Information

The Finnish Fireplace
onstruction Manual w/Updates
by Albie Barden

This book is the only complete English language primer on hand-made masonry heater construction. The text covers from footing to chimney top and everything in between. It is complemented by step-by-step photos, course-by-course drawings, section drawings and elevations. This is a must for the owner-builder or mason. Copyright 1984, with a 1988 update.
65 pages softcover with updates. $22.00
                                                  Order Information


Short Heater Plans

by Albie Barden
Albie Barden, author of The Finnish Fireplace Construction Manual has now made plans available for a 4' wide, 6' tall, 3' deep masonry heater.  The plans are seven pages of comprehensive course-by-course drawings with sections and elevations for the owner-builder or mason.  A great addition to The Finnish Fireplace Construction Manual.   

$7.00 includes shipping & handling                                Order Information

MHA Home Owners Manuals now available
Homeowner's Safety Manual and Burning Guide for Masonry Heaters -
3 pages
         Homeowner's Safety Manual and Burning Guide for Cook Stoves and Bake Ovens -
4 pages
                                                  Available for $7.50(for both) which includes postage.

                     MHA T-SHIRTS                                                                     

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Heavy cotton tan shirts XL, L & M
MHA black & red logo on front

"Masonry Heaters...
   the intelligent 
  choice:" on back.

     Only $12.50 (includes shipping)

  To order one of our books or manuals:
We accept Visa & MasterCard.
Send a check or money order in US funds (payable to
   The Masonry Heater Association) to:

                  Masonry Heater Association
                  Beverly J. Marois, Administrator
                  1252 Stock Farm Road
                  Randolph, VT 05060

Or call:    802-728-5896
Or fax:     802-728-6004
Or Email:

The MHA Heater Plan Portfolio - $75.00(non-member)
                                                           - $50.00(MHA member)

The Book of Masonry Stoves - $28.00
Finnish Fireplaces: Heart of the Home - $32.00
Finnish Fireplace Construction Manual - $22.00
The New Woodburner's Handbook - $14.00
The Bread Builders - $32.00
Short Heater Plans - $7.00
Masonry Chimney Rebuilding - $15.00
Homeowner's Safety Manuals - $7.50
Build Your Own EARTH OVEN   - $14.00

The Fireplace Book Volume 1 - $22.95
The Fireplace Book Volume 2
- $25.95
(Fireplace Book Vol 1 & 2 Set)     - $45.00

MHA T-Shirts - $12.50
MHA Sweat Shirts - $18.00

All Prices are US Dollars.

Shipping & Handling Within the US - $3.95 per book
Shipping & Handling Canada - $7.00 per book

Shipping International - $9.00 per book

Other Books:
by Torsten Gebhard

Coffee table book, in German. Over 400 photos of historical Kachelöfen - a must have for Kachelofen masons or stove historians. Limited number of copies available directly from MHA member Bill Derrick

The Bread Ovens of Quebec
by Lise Boily & Jean-Francois Blanchette

his unique study of the role of the bread oven in rural Quebec society also gives complete instructions on how to build a traditional outdoor bread oven. 115 pages, many illustrations. Aussi disponible en Français. Available from

The Fireplace Book:
an idea book of fireplace designs, Volume I

ore than 100 color photos of masonry fireplaces, masonry heaters, and chimneys. Brick, sculptured brick, concrete masonry, and stone are used in a variety of styles. Included are descriptions of materials and sources used, an explanation of masonry heaters, and a glossary of fireplace terms. Order from the Masonry Heater Association
                                 Order Information

The Fireplace Book:
an idea book of fireplace designs, Volume 2

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One hundred new photographs of masonry fireplaces, masonry heaters and chimneys compliment volume I and provide beautiful examples of the almost infinite combinations of colors, sizes, patterns, and shapes available. Includes information on selecting firebox mortar, flashing chimneys, constructing a chimney crown, and building a Rumford fireplace. Order from the Masonry Heater Association Order Information

The Fireplace Book
in the house as a system
by John Gulland

Best treatment to date of the issues around airtight houses, negative pressure, and fireplace and woodstove function. Very easy to understand, if you have a fireplace problem this book will make you say "A ha! so that's how that works!" over and over again. Highly recommended.
Available from

Setting Tile
by Michael Byrne

ichael Byrne knows more about the hands-on and theory of tile than just about anybody. Better yet, he knows how to communicate. One of the best masonry books your webmaster has ever read. Available from the Home Building and Remodeling Network.


Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances
by National Fire Protection Association.
Available from Amazon Books.

Stoves for People : Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Stoves Dissemination
by Roberto Caceres.
Available from Amazon Books.

The Forgotten Art of Building and Using a Brick Bake Oven:
A Practical Guide

by Richard M. Bacon.
Available from Amazon Books.

Lime Mortars Preparation and Use of Lime Mortar. An Introduction to the Principles of Using Lime Mortars
by Scottish Lime Centre.

This informative 60-page book draws together existing information on traditional lime mortars for the benefit of specifiers and craftsmen working with traditional masonry-built structures in Scotland and around the world. This is one of the most informative books ever written in the usage of traditional lime mortars. Available from Taylor Publishing and Eld River Press.

Iris Catalog:
Green Building Books, Videos and Software

Comprehensive on line catalog of sustainable building resources. Available from Oikos.

Masonry Heater Website on CD

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The complete contents of the MHA website on a CD-ROM.
- Over 100 megabytes of masonry heater and sustainable construction data.
- Includes many documents in printable Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format.
- Simply point your browser to your CD-ROM drive and surf the huge MHA website at Ethernet speed.
- The most comprehensive masonry heating resource available today.

Order Information


Five million old, used and rare books offered here for sale by 1750 booksellers around the world make this the largest and possibly the most interesting bookselling site on the Web. Very easy to use. Visit Bibliofind.

MHA News:

MHA News, Online Edition

MHA News Vol 8 No 1

Table of Contents:

  • High Performance Masonry Heating
    by Stephen Bushway
  • Integrated Wood Energy Systems for Sustainable Housing
    by Mario Kani
  • Heating Water with Masonry Heaters
    by Norbert Senf
  • Washington State Fireplace Emissions Standard Under Way
    by John Crouch
  • Space Heating and Fireplaces: The View from CANMET'S Combustion Laboratory
    by Skip Hayden
  • Design and Operating Factors Which Affect Emissions from Residential Wood-Fired Heaters: Review and Update
    by Paul Tiegs
  • The Hearth as an Element of the Sustainable House
    by Norbert Senf
  • Short Course on Masonry Heating Systems
    by Norbert Senf
Adobe Acrobat 3.0 PDF Format.
Requires free reader from Adobe.

MHA News Vol 7 No 2


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This page last updated on November 22, 2004