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  • Date: Dec. 17/12
    Subject: Re: Sketchup

    Hi Norbert,

    Best wishes for the season, we are doing quite well comparatively.
    Funny you are switching from Autocad to SketchUp, because several years ago I’ve come the same route. It would be all right to use my models on a web page as an example what could be achieved. There’s more than one model, by the way. Here they are, these are unusual in the sense that the second bell is single skin. The last one is a completely double skinned version, a custom made design which the customer donated to the public domain. This one is built through a wall between living room and kitchen, in a house which origins date back to the 17th century. The kitchen floor happened to be about 40 cm below the level of the living room.

    See some youtube videos of a first run prototype.
    These are newer than the models, and for a more
    recent design that has been testing very well.

    Here is a view of the flames in the riser tube:

    vriendelijke groeten, Peter van den Berg
    +52° 3′ 51.13″, +4° 19′ 47.18″


    Comments (Norbert):

    Open Peter’s http://www.pberg.demon.nl/pictures/PD/RB-PD6.skp model.
    Click “Window” “Components” — a components window will open up.
    In the components window, select “large thumbnails” and the little house icon,
    which will show which components are used in the model, see below.
    This is a good way to build and organize models — build a parts library that you can automatically load into new drawings.