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Fire   The E-zine for Heater Masons  --22nd year online !

Masonry Heater News

March 30, 2019

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Disclaimer: Content of this e-zine is at the discretion of the Editor,
and does not imply endorsement by the MHA Board of Directors

Wildacres 2019 Attendees List

(as of today)

Constructing a Pat Manley oven at Wildacres 2018

Stove Drawings on Igor Kuznetsov Site

Congratulations to MHA Tech Committee member Jim Schalles!

Preliminary analysis of 185 Masonry Heater Tests

Experiment in real-time PM emissions measurement

Owner built stone facing, HeatKit core. New Brunswick

President's Message

by Chris Prior

Circular White Oven

Wide Awake Bakery, Ithaca NY

See Full Post

Heater Calculator Progress Report - updated Dec 23/18

Damien Lehmann, AFPMA

Zoomable Real Time World Air Quality Map

Custom outside air setup for basement  - Heatkit

Testing the OekoTube Electrostatic Precipitator

Wood Stove Design Challenge, 2018

2018 Stove Design Challenge on The National Mall in Washington, D.C.

updated on Dec 12

Great article by forester Dave Atkins, who was a judge at the recent Stove Design Challenge.

Top Exit Construction Sequence

By Marcus Flynn

's John Crouch and MHA testing team member Ron Pihl at the 2018 Stove Design Challenge

Photo credit: Kittner for Brookhaven National Lab

Uzumé -  French site with open source stove plans

from Marcus Flynn

photo credit: Jim Schalles
Photo credit: Jim Schalles

Finnish Double Deck Bread Oven

2018 MHA Design Contest Results

Heatkit with rear white oven and wraparound heated bench

Upper Peninsula, Michigan

36 plumbing points, no jacklines

Heatkit relineable firebox after 19 years of heating a low energy house in upstate NY.

5 Run (Swedish) by Marcus Flynn

Consulting: Masonry Stove Builders, Maine Wood Heat

MHA Finalizes Testing Team for 2018 Wood Stove Design Challenge

Rammed Earth Heater

Soapstone Heater and Cookstove

Collaboration between Iron Hammer Stoneworks and Greenstone Heat..

Custom Cooking Fireplace / Grill. Saltspring Island B.C.

Architect: Phillip Van Horn, Consultant: Masonry Stove Builders
Mason: Richard Dakin.  Throat by Superior Clay

Masonry Heater instructional video by MHA members Heavenly Heat, Australia

Thanks to all the techs who are volunteering a week of their valuable time:
Mark Seymour
Ron Pihl
Jim Schalles
Boris Kukolj

Custom heater built by Anna Ledford, Idaho.

Soapstone and lime plaster. Consulting: Masonry Stove Builders
Soapstone supplier:  
Monarch Marble and Granite;  Firebox: Brunner;

Single Skin Heater Code Analysis

by  Ivison Fire Protection Engineering Services
prepared for Pat Amos

Pizza on Alaskan Seas

by Dave Misiuk

Mobile Oven by Hearth & TimberMobile Bread Oven by Hearth + Timber

Masonry Heater Chimney Detail for Passiv House

Components: Security Chimney;       Drawing: Chris Weissflog    Research: Marcus Flynn

Did you know that top down burning came to North America via MHA?

How to make cement from wood ash.

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