Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 12:33:05 -0400
Subject: 2007.07.15 MHA Treasurer's Report


Below is a list of activities that have been carried out by me as 
treasurer since taking over that position in April at Wild Acres. 
There are probably omissions since the list is being prepared from my 

  1. Worked with Dick Smith to review & establish procedures for the 
    deposit of cash, check & credit card funds to the MHA bank account.  
    Present policy is for the MHA administrator (Dick) to make all 
    deposits and report those deposits to the treasurer by e-mailing a PDF 
    copy of the deposit details which the treasurer then enters into 
    QuickBooks and the Association's accounts receivable records.

  2. Developed procedures to copy all primary deposit & expenses records 
    and statements to PDF files.  These include but are not limited to 
    bank & merchant account deposit slips as well as copies of deposited 
    checks and credit card slips, purchase receipts, reimbursement 
    receipts and bank statements.

  3. Worked through Rod Zander and The First National Bank of Litchfield to 
    transfer control of the MHA bank account to members of the new board.

  4. I have reviewed the primary deposit and expense records for 2007 sent 
    to me by Rod and have determined that they are complete.

  5. I have reconciled the primary deposit and expense records to the 
    accounting records in QuickBooks and found them to be in order.

  6. I have copied all 2007 primary deposit, expense and statement records 
    to PDF files.  These files are all stored by date and can be easily 
    retrieved to answer any questions from the MHA board or membership.

  7. I reconciled the records from the Wild Acres auction. These included 
    donated items sheets, paddle list and purchase list.  From these I 
    produced a purchasers "big spenders" list and an item donors list.

  8. I have copied all the 2007 auctions records to PDF files

  9. After verifying and reconciling the cash position of the association 
    through the above activities I have produced a 12-month cash flow 
    statement for the Association which I plan to update on a monthly 
    basis.  This is available to members in the membership lounge.  It is 
    posted in an excel worksheet.

  10. I have consolidated the chart of accounts in QuickBooks in order to 
    produce clearer income and expense statements and more logical 
    historical records from 1998.

  11. I have produced from the consolidated chart of accounts mentioned 
    above an income and expense report for Jan-June 2007 and circulated it 
    to the board.

  12. I have taken budget figures from past years and budget figures 
    suggested by John LaGamba (fund raising committee) merged them and  
    then entered them into QuickBooks as a proposed 2007 budget.

  13. From  these budget figures I have run a budget variance report which has 
    been circulated to the board and is posted in the membership lounge of 
    the Association.

  14. I have set up an inventory accounting system for bookstore sales items 
    and have worked with Dick to establish accounting procedures for the 
    book store in order to determine its profit/loss status.

  15. I am now turning attention to completing the 2006 tax return which is 
    due August 15th.  This will require the reconciliation of Bev?s 2006 
    bookstore accounting records with the general association records for 