During the 2025 annual meeting of the MHA the education committee will once again offer a class titled the Basics and Theory of Masonry Heaters. It is a great educational opportunity for the mason or homeowner who wants to learn more about masonry heaters.
This class is available for MHA members who are attending our annual meeting. MHA offers two levels of membership: Affiliate – $175 and Full Voting – $300. Memberships are good for 12 months.
The cost of this course is $500 and is in addition to membership dues and annual meeting registration. Space is limited to 12 students.
For more information or class registration, please contact the MHA office.
Class Specifics:
The class is schedule for approximately 20 hours. Four of those hours will be virtual classroom scheduled for the week before the meeting in the evening, and the remaining hours will be a hands-on demonstration where you will have the opportunity to be part of a masonry heater build.
The curriculum for the class includes:
- What is a Masonry Heater?
- Types of Masonry Heaters
- Core Kits
- Complete Units
- Hand-Built Units
- Governing Bodies
- Building Codes
- Insurance
- Local Regulators
- Methods and Materials
- Core Materials
- Insulation & Expansion
- Facing Materials
- Professional Trade Association
- Suppliers, Customers, and Builders
- Masonry Heater Association and Certification
Hands-On Demonstration Build
As part of the class, students will be participating in a build of a masonry heater. You will be introduced to the following:
- Selected tools and safety equipment
- Skills needed for the build
- Construction of the heater
This class is designed to introduce masonry heater design concepts and construction standards on an exploratory level for both novice and professional masons. The goal of this course is to provide the foundational knowledge of the masonry heater industry as it currently is and introduce the tools, methods, and materials that are necessary for building successful masonry heaters.
Masonry Heater Certification
This class can be used as part of becoming a certified masonry heater builder in the MHA. For more information on becoming certified, go to this link:
For more information, please contact the MHA office.