To: MHA Board of Directors
January 15, 2009

At the 2008 Wildacres meeting I was asked by Norbert Senf to chair a
nominating committee which would suggest names of MHA members who might be
willing to serve on the MHA Board of Directors.

Norbert made it clear that the make-up of the committee and the selection
process was completely at my discretion. The MHA Board later passed
a motion to this effect.

Wanting to share the idea and looking for suggestions I first spoke about
this to Tom Trout and then to Pat Manley. As the meetings progressed we
bounced ideas around and had the chance to talk to a number of members who
we thought would be good Board members.

We tried to look for long-time members who are masonry heater builders and,
most important, could command the respect of their fellow members and heater

We are pleased to report that a solid list of very capable candidates has
been approached and they are willing to serve on the Board. They are:

Glen Overk
Brian Klipfel
Dan Givens
Dave Misiuk
John McDougall

Glen is willing to serve as President, Dave is willing to be Treasurer,
and Brian is willing to serve as Secretary.

Best regards
John Rousseau